Tuesday, December 1, 2009

BIG SPACE TEST HELP?please please please?

I have this huge space test tomorrow and I need you older guy's help! Ok, I put down the questions, you see if you know the answer, if you do put the number and your answer. Thanks a lot for helping me out! :)

1. What are comets?

2. Who discovered 3 laws of planetary motion?

3. What are astroids?

4. How does the moon effect the Earth?

5. Why is space travel important? (2 ways)

6. How has space travel changed?

7.Who was the first man in space?

8. Why is the space shuttle important?

9. How do astronauts train for traveling in space?

Ok guys, I hope you know some of these answers. And please just dont put down any old answer. i need to know and memorize these by tomorrow for the big test! I hope you know there are more but I have the answers! Get them space books out and get them fingers movin'! Go go go go go! Please help me or burn! LOL J/K ~*Alyssa*~

BIG SPACE TEST HELP?please please please?fake myspace

1. Stuff to clean the sink

2. Newton who is same guy that discovered fig Newtons

3. a narley video game in the early 80's not to be confused with Hemorrhoids.

4Be care full when you moon somebody as you can get arrested.

5a, gave old german scientists somthing better to do than launch missiles at England,b,Tang

6 Dont use catapults anymore..today we can beam people up

7 Monkey

8 Good to use up taxpayers money

9 Drive a long way in a car wearing big daipers

AND READ A BOOK ONCE IN A WHILE . Live will not give you answeres just because you ask.

BIG SPACE TEST HELP?please please please?myspace pics myspace.com

1. Comets are made of ice %26amp; rock, and when they get close to the sun, they emit particles that form a tail because of solar wind.

2. Johannes Kepler

3. Asteroids are the rocky material left over from the creation of the solar system. The asteroid belt is found between Mars %26amp; Jupiter, however, asteroids may be found anywhere.

4. Primarily, the moon exerts a tidal force on the Earth, raising %26amp; lowering oceans by as much as 30 feet in 6 hours.

5. Space travel is important because it teaches us so much. While we can conserve energy and fuel on Earth, a space station MUST be very effecient to survive. Space Travel will ultimately teach us how to stretch our materials here on Earth.

6. The first people in space were on relatively small rockets, boosting just one man for a very short time. Today, we've learned how to launch multiple people at once, along with very large payloads, with missions lasting, for some people, months.

7. Yuri Gagarin, a Russian Cosmonaut.

8. The space shuttle is America's most powerful manned launch vehicle, boosting up to 60 tons and 7 astronauts at once. It was designed to carry men %26amp; supplys into low earth orbit, for the construction of a space station.

9. In many ways; a LOT of study, a LOT of simulation - the "Vomit Comet" is a plane that flys parabolic arcs, allowing occupants to experience microgravity for 30-40 seconds. For training on materials, NASA has a huge pool that astronauts train in to get the 'feel' of floating. (even though gravity still acts on them.)
1.Big chunks of ice that orbits a sun and melt when to close and make a tail at that point.

2.Galileo and Isaac,he corrected them.

3.Chunks of rock in space left over from the creation of planets

4.By creating tides

5.To learn more about space and to set up bases to do scientific discovers

6.New rocket fuel, better rockets, new tech basically!

7.Buzz Aldrin

8.To fix the Space station, Hubble space telescope, fixing things collecting outer space material and in shuttle labs

9.G-force machine, training under water for fitness, and the weightlessness effect box (don't know it real name but it simulates the space weightlessness effect)

Hope that helps!
Sweety if we answer your questions you will never learn anything,then you will be like some of the people on here asking silly questions, that don't amuse anybody but themselves.

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