einstein hypothesised that earth follows the contor of the space fabric round the sun. yet all planets have diff orbits ranging fro circular to highly elliptical so there is something funny going on. besides the artificial satellites will have to follow an orbit dtermined by these countours in the space fabric, and this is certainly not true. so the space seems according to einstein a heck of a crazy mixed up place
Space fabric true or false?myspace pages
What you're talking about is a 3-D representation of what mass does to space time in 4-D. It makes it easier for most people to understand what's going on with the distortions in space-time that we percieve as gravity. It doesn't actually exist as a fabric.
Go find one of those old-fashioned coin-collectors in the mall. Usually they are made of yellow plastic, and have a chute for sending a coin rolling around the inside of a giant funnel. By donating a few coins to the charity that put the collector there, you can see that different coins can indeed go through the same 'gravity well' along different paths. In the same way, different planets and satellites can have different kinds of paths through the same gravity well. It all depends on their initial position and velocity.
Yes, Einstein's gravity is indeed very confusing. There's probably no more than a handful of people in the world who really understand all of it.
Space fabric true or false?live com myspace.com
true, a tear happens when a star implodes creating a black hole sucking in everything (like Paris Hilton) ha ha ha.
Space has more wrinkles than your underwear.
True just watch Star Trek ;)
if you find this answer you would probly be the smartes man on this planet
i suggest you read "the elegant universe" by brian greene. it attempts to mary relativity and quantum mechanics... in something called the string theory. hope that helps.
No, its not really:
In the solar system planets, asteroids, comets and space debris have elliptical orbits around the Sun.
Moons have an elliptic orbit around their planet.
Many artificial satellites have various elliptic orbits around the Earth.
Maybe you didnt realise this because in astrodynamics or celestial mechanics even a so called "circular orbit" is actaully an elliptic orbit with the eccentricity equal to 0.
Of course it's true. Unfortunately I don't have the background in astrophysics necessary to properly explain eliptical orbits and the like to you, but there are many good books and websites around that do.
Alot of answers, most of them containing a common theme of how no-one actually knows. It seems that something IS actually going on. I recently read about a multitude of ideas that describe the cause of the phenomenon, all of which seemed reasonable, and the fact of the matter is, the likelyhood that Einstein wrapped his head around many accurate explanations is very poor. We must face the reality that it may still be beyond our comprehension.
The earth does not follow a 'contour of space-time' around the sun.
You need to read up on general relativity a little more carefully and or closely. Assuming you aren't some 'science is the work of the devil' ideologue. In which case I invite you to make a fool of yourself by further expounding on scientific theories you clearly do not understand.
Gravitational fields warp space-time. Well, to be accurate, mass warps space-time, producing gravitational fields, which are just warped space-time.
Gravity waves have been postulated, but not, to my knowledge, detected. Outside of the influence of massive objects there aren't any fixed warpages in space-time.
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