Time cannot exsist without space, and vise-versa. Time cannot exsist WITH space, and vise-versa. When time is, then space IS NOT, and vise-versa. This co-exsistance between space and time is the reason for waves not being a perfectly straight line wave. The space/time co-exsistance is the reason for light to travel in a wave, as the photon is pushed, it is propeled between planes of space and time, hence the wave. Prove me wrong?
Time and Space are the same thing? Both are just a place for matter to exsist, or not?funny myspace
yeah, you get a bit off on a deep tangent towards the end there... but I don't think Einstein asserted anything more than the idea that time, space, and matter are related and not independant. two systems of matter travelling in wildly different velocities relative to one another also have different processions of time and different masses, from the perspective of the other. It only applies to things moving close to the speed of light- I think it's the Schroedinger Equation that covers the inter-relation. But there's no real analogy to it in the observable world, unless you work at a particle accelerator, so I leave it to the doctorates of physics to debate.
Time and Space are the same thing? Both are just a place for matter to exsist, or not?icons for myspace myspace.comInteresting Q but the asker makes the mistake of saying light speed varies with the color of light. As far as I know "c", the speed of light is constant but varies depending on the medium it moves through. Report It
Variation in color(ie wave length) indicates variation in energy levels of the photon-waves, not variation in speed. Report It
to indepth for me, sorry but if i could i definatly would prove ya wrong
At any given TIME, space is manifest (constant), in any given SPACE time is manifesting (dynamic). Time and space may be indistinguishable in the UNMANIFEST, but they are still separate and individual.
You forget mass. There is the triniy time-space-mass
excuse me?time and space do co exist together
they both can be compared to the two coordinates in a coordinate system
like x and y coordinates
for example in the case of light - it travels in space relative to time and how can u say that they don't co exist?
and by the way i think u are just contradicting urself in the first 3 statements in ur question
They aren't the same to me. Time is a 'what' and space is a 'where'. I don't have anymore time to devote to this space. (lots of space yet, but my time is up).
Interesting perspective. I beg to differ slightly. The fundamental idea behind you theory seems to be the existence of time and space. What if time doesn't exist ? We know time is relative. If it is relative, it doesn't exist at any moment. Each moment is discreet slots which we have chosen to identify as time. If that is the case then i can't see how light can be propelled by time and space plane. The answer that you are looking for lies beneath the fundamental structure of an atom. I believe we have got that WRONG. :) . [ Trust me, we have got the whole idea wrong thats why we couldn't go so much further than we could ]
Albert Einstein said "Time is an illusion, although persistent still just an illusion". I would add to that by saying that all is an illusion, our universe exists only because we perceive its existence.
I doubt you understood the theory of relitivity perfectly;
it is not time cannot exist without space or so.SPACE-TIME is a unique and a single dimension not two dimensions clubed together.
what's the definition of a wave? a wave is a disturbence in a medium!. this is how the wave theory of light failed.
But Maxwell described it as a disturbence in a field not in space or time planes. Dude particle theory and wave theory are to explain the nature of light they try to out smart each other.there is no meaning in comparing photon with a wave unless you bring deBroglie's duelity into picture.
nothing really exsists
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