If we really have been to the moon, why would a space tourist (like Charles Simonyi) pay $25 million to go to space?
Don`t you think that if it were possible, a man worth billions would pay more if he were able to go to the moon?
Imagine this:
"It will cost me another $20 million to go to the moon? No thanks, I`m fine just going into space."
I don`t think so. I`m sure a person worth billions would pay more to go further than the International Space Station. Don`t you?
Why would a space tourist pay $25 mil. just to go into space?Don`t you think they would pay to go to the moon?myspace live
Just goes to show that money doesn't make for happiness. Imagine a guy with so much money, so bored that he would pay $25 million to go into space, and I'm probably enjoying answering questions on Yahoo just as much as he does, flying off into space.
Why would a space tourist pay $25 mil. just to go into space?Don`t you think they would pay to go to the moon?coolest myspace myspace.com
Maybe. Can we pay them to stay out there?
Probably because space is much more interesting. The moon is just a big hunk of rock, not very exciting.
Well maybe thay want to got to the moon be4 thay die have you ever conserted that
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