Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Do we need a Space Program?

I did a bit of research and found out that all of our current technology, academic knowledge, even new facts about our origins on this planet were all due to the experiments conducted in space. Cell phones would still be years away if we didn't have a space program. Computers would just be like they were back in the 70's. Even philosophy and current religious views would still be as they were 100 years ago. Space is were we came from,not some slime ball,and it's to space we shall all return some day.The space program has been the only thing that has united our planet together in our quest for knowledge, and because of our contry's efforts in space our world has been made a better place to live. Now I find out that NASA might be dissolved in the future. A big mistake for us and our children. I guess that Pres.Reagan was right in saying that our world will be united if a major threat from space to our world would be the only thing that would bring us together. Do we need a space program?

Do we need a Space Program?myspace quiz

Absolutely! Most of the major technological advances in the last 100 years are due to NASA and the Military. Communications, Computers, Materials, etc. Everything that we take for granted was created by our Space Program and Military. GPS, Cellphones, Computers, Satellite TV, Carbon Fiber.... the list goes on forever... Besides that issue, the main reason to do it is that WE CAN! For the first time in the history of human beings we can look at the Moon and say "we have walked on it". The amazing pictures that Hubble captures are what inspires children to focus on Math and Science. Our country is the world leader in developing new technologies and this is no coincidence. We are reaping the rewards that our Space Program started back in the 50's and 60's. We should drastically increase funding for NASA. It is only about 1% of the National Budget, tell your Senators and Congressmen that you want it increased. Just imagine what we could really do if the funding was there. I am an Aerospace Engineer and I currently work on the Orion spaceship which will return us to the Moon.

Do we need a Space Program?kids myspace myspace.com

No.We would just spread our hate,and make money off other lifeforms.
Yes, we need a space program. Without one humanity is doomed to die with this planet. There are people who say that one is a waste of money but they are wrong. Global warming -is- destroying this planet. The core of our planet is dying, and with it its magnetic field. Storms are becoming exponentially more frequent with each passing decade. If we do not take to space we will go extinct.
Having a technological challenge to apply our brains under pressure to reduces the world wide conflict caused by our aggressive natures.

It becomes sort of "duelling by proxy"

The only outcomes being the advances in accessible gadgets etc for the public.

I reckon the Program is a positive thing then.
Absolutely!! I think you answered the question yourself in your posting. We've all benefited from the technology, communications, and even medical research. Besides, it does humanity good to look outside our tiny little squabbles and realize that we are NOT the center of the universe. If we stop looking for knowledge in space, in the oceans, and on land, we'll give up what makes us so unique -- curiosity, desire for knowledge, and hopefully the recognition that we must all work together to solve the world's problems.

I've watched at least six shuttle launches, and on a purely visceral level it's incredible to be a part of a crowd waiting for that tremendous rumble of engines. When thousands of people start cheering in unison, it makes me proud that we are reaching past the petty issues of this world and can, finally, slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of God.
Of course we need a space program. Today we have plenty of ideas that we depend on and some theories which need more evidence from space.

We might someday colonize one of the moons of Jupiter. For that we need much preparation.
Yes we do need a space program. No matter how much money or lives have been spent in the quest for space the long term value may turn out to be the survival of human life on Earth. The search for near Earth asteroids that could one day destroy all life of our planet would not have even begun if science had confined itself to terrestrial pursuits. It could be seen as money well spent if in the future a asteroid of planet changing size is detected and diverted.

For the same reasons that countries around the world have established scientific bases in Antarctica for the advancement of knowledge, so too will a Moon base and later a Mars base will benefit mankind.
Absolutely, in this time of shrinking natural resources our best hopes for survival are in space. Not only does it provided mankind with areas to expand into as populations grow it could be the possible source of unlimited resources. Water in the form of ice in comets or other celestial bodies also iron, copper, cobalt, etc, etc.... within the same objects. Imagine a future where the Sahara, Gobi, or Mojave is farmed with water from space. Pollution is also an ever increasing problem, think about it: all the radioactive waste on earth could be shot into the Sun and the Sun would burn it up and never even notice it! All you would have to do is get started in the right direction and the suns gravity would do the rest.
Good question. It has a simple answer too.

The next big rock out there has our name on it.

If we dont learn how to manipulate the orbits of asteroids to insure that we don't get nailed by one, all the answers above really wont matter. The global catastrophie of a large asteroid impact is unimaginable and modern civilization will not survive it.

The mineral wealth of harvesting asteroids is a good perk too.

The question is more like: "Do we live in space or die here with the very tools in our hands to save ourselves?"

Survival of our species depends on a space program that will work with asteroids and from what I have seen so far it could use a lot more help and soon!
DAHHHH!!!!! Instead we are going to keep populating the planet, and burn up all the natural resources. Poluting the air, not to mention all the hazardus waste.

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